Thursday, March 29, 2012

A simple Thank You would have been nice!

Ya know, I do something nice for someone and what do I get? A rude comment on FB. Really? Are you F'n kidding me? I took pictures of two awesome kids almost two years ago. I was just getting into photography and I needed a subject. I was excited to do this. Their family was excited to see them. I posted the picts. when I was done and they liked them. They were tagged, etc. Then recently, I deleted the original to re photoshop the pictures. I didn't like what I did then and decided to give it one more try. They turned out beautifully. I was super excited to share them. So, I re tagged them and posted them. Their mother didn't even thank me for the wonderful job that I did. Instead she left a rude comment on her FB wall. The kids father loved them and told me to post away. What a BITCH!