Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sex and Diastasis Recti Sucks!

Sex and Diastasis Recti sucks. No, not the sex part. That is great! However, having to deal with my Diastasis does. Why? I have a faux hernia. It's near my sternum. I separated all the way up to my sternum. The bottom half of me is closed (1-2 finger gap). The area near my sternum is not closed. The fascia is weak and everything wants to poke through. It hurts. Especially, If I am in an awkward position with my hubby :). It acts like a hernia. When it surfaces, I have to massage it until it goes back in place. Do you see why it sucks? I had to tell my hubby to get off of me b/c I was herniating. YES YES YES (Just like When Harry Met Sally), then NO NO NO get off of me lol. Having DR sucks, but it can be quite entertaining at times...


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Diastasis and my Incredible Hulk Vag

I had my internal assessment done last week. It's physical therapy for my Vag. Really? Yes, apparently I have Pelvic Floor Dysfunction or Hypertonus Pelvic Floor. Too much tension in my vag. What causes it? Too many Kegels!!!!!!!! I've done several hundred b/c that's what I was told to do to correct my Diastasis and pelvic floor. I've over worked my vag. It seems my vag is ultra Strong like the Incredible Hulk lol. It sounds like a great thing to have, but No not really. There's too much muscle tension. It causes way too much pain in my lower back and Coccyx (tail bone). Now, I have to do Reverse Kegels. Instead of using the muscles to hold in my farts, I get to push them out lol. I hope this will put an end to my pain. I guess my vag and I can't fight crime anymore :).

Monday, April 29, 2013

Pain in the ass and Diastasis

I wonder if this is all worth it in the end. My diastasis is great! Currently, I have a small separation. Do I still have a "tummy"? Yes, but I don't look pregnant anymore. After all of my hard work, my tailbone (Coccyx) is in pain. It's very frustrating! I can't use the excuse "My hubby is a pain in the ass!" Wait, I still can :). Not the case though :(. I have found some exercises that are helpful. It doesn't take the pain away, but it takes it down a notch. Check it out...

Kegel Exercises : Coccydynia Exercises

Friday, April 26, 2013

Diastasis and Physical Therapy

It's been a while since my last post. I've been working hard on strengthening my abs. My abdominal muscles separated from belly button to my sternum. I quit binding my belly after December. I closed my Diastasis 6 weeks into my program. I plateaued after that :/. After my program, I continued with pelvic floor exercises. However, my upper abdominal muscles (sternum) kept on herniating. The first of the year rolled around, I decided to make an appointment with a physical therapist. She checked my Diastasis and I still had a 2 finger gap. A 2 finger gap is better than a 4 finger gap :). She massaged my abdominal region. Ouch! It brought me to tears. WTF? What else is wrong with me? She told me that I have worked so hard to close my gap that it puts stress on those muscles. It's like scar tissue. She also checked my alignment and popped me back in place. I am not misaligned anymore! Yay! The therapy is great! Before therapy, I had no idea how to find my core muscles. It thought it was tightening your abs. Nope, it's much deeper than that. My session is once a week with 1 1/2 hours of exercising. My tummy is pulled back in for the week. I have made huge progress. I have a tight 1-2 finger gap. I don't think it will close any further. Hopefully it will stay that way! After all the hard work, my tail bone has decided to give me hell :/. It's from the 100's of kegels I do through out the week. If it's not one thing, it's another. How do I correct my issue? I am scheduled for a Integrated Manual Assessment. I know, I know...WTF is that? They go in vaginally and find out what is going on with me. Maybe they can find out what is going on with my tailbone.

Before and After Tuppler Abdominal Rehab Program (Aug-Dec)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Road to Recovery: Week 6

It's been a while since I've posted anything about my recovery. Life gets in the way sometimes. My hubby travels a lot. So, it's me and the girls most of the time. I am busy, busy, busy. It's been 6 weeks since I have started the program. I have 12 more weeks to go :). It's not bad. I am loving the results! The only issue that I have is that the splint bunches up in the back. It's annoying as hell! I've emailed the company. They say that is normal. You have to readjust through out the day. So far, I have lost 5 1/2 inches around my waist. I almost have a 29 inch waist! Crazy, huh? I haven't lost any weight, if that is what you are thinking. So, as of right now, I have plateaued. My tummy is relatively smaller, but I don't think it will get much smaller than that. I understand what my G.S. was saying. Even if I had the tummy tuck, I will not have the wash board abs. I am not built that way. I am more than ok with that :). I am not giving up! My skin and muscles are coming together nicely. Still saggy, but it could be worse. The exercises are easy to do. Do I do every single one of them? Ummmm NO! What you see in my pictures are from doing half the exercises. I am warn out by the end of the day, so I don't always do them. I am also at the gym 3x a week. Nothing fancy, just the treadmill :). As you can see, I stay pretty active.

Flexing my Tummy

Straight back, flat tummy, and nice ass :)

Nice flat tummy!
Lying on my back. My hernia looks much better.
One finger gap!

Look, I have a body now :)!

Thanks again for being supportive and helping me through out my journey!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Road to Recovery Week 2!

I've been wearing my abdominal splint (Tupler Technique) for Two Weeks Now. The exercises are coming along. However, I find myself not doing as much as I would like. My girls keep me busy and drive me crazy half the time. When I do remember to do them, it's towards the end of the night. So, I end up doing most of them all at once. It's prob. not recommended, but I feel more of a burn when I do them that way. Even if I am only doing half of what is required, I am still seeing huge results. That's good, right? I just washed my splint for the first time. Don't worry, it's not gross. I don't sweat much and I am usually wearing a tank or Spanx type clothing. I washed mine on hand wash cycle with small amount of detergent. After it's done, it's still quite damp. You can either wait for it to completely which means 4+ hours w/o your splint. If you are going to do that, try to find some type of Spanxs to secure your abs. That seems to help in the mean time. Needless to say, I didn't want to wait. I put the splint in the dryer (it does say no dryer under care). I used the setting "air dry"until it was somewhat done. Then I put it in for 5 or so mins on low heat. So far so good! Anyway, enough of me rambling about boring sh@#. Here is what ya'll have been waiting for. In two weeks, I've lost 5 inches around and I am still at a 1 finger gap. If that, b/c it's pretty tight. So, maybe half of that. I've been told that a 1-2 finger gap is considered closed : ). Lets take a looksie, shall we?

Dressed with splint underneath. Side view. See how tall I am? Maybe I can say that I am 5'3 this time lol?

Another cute bikini shot with tummy relaxed. New Hair? Yes, cut, color, and highlights! Check out my waist. It's much smaller. Scroll down to see the results from last week.

I am still not going out in public, but I am willing to show all of you. Look, I have curves!

Side view. My muscles are moving back in place. There is a difference from last post. My tummy was slightly lower. Now, It's much higher : )!

Flexing my abs! My skin is looking tighter. Still flabby, but it's getting there.

Relaxed tummy on my back.

See? One finger gap! It's barely in there.

Flexed tummy on my back (partial sit-up). Where did my belly button go? It's hiding like a turtle lol. The last post, my belly button looked like a pigs nose. Kewl, huh?

Since the last two weeks...three weeks really since I have posted about Diastasis of the Recti muscles. I have had over 800 HITS! WOW! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! This truly means a lot to me. I hope I can help and guide those who want to do this or at least look into it. Feel free to follow and leave a comment or two.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Road to Recovery Week 1

Everyone, "I'm Bringing Sexy Back!" It's been one hell of a week. I've been wearing my abdominal splint non stop and I've seen wonderful improvements! The splint takes some time getting use to. The exercises are easy to do. It's all breathing and tightening your abs. I have to do this for two weeks and then start the next set of exercises. My hernia doesn't look like an angry uncircumcised penis anymore :). It's starting to look like an actual bellybutton. The splint is pretty comfortable to sleep in. I don't have any lower back pain or woken up to back pain since I started the Abdominal Rehab program. My weight hasn't change in case you are curious. However, I have lost 4 inches around my waist and I am down to a 1finger gap (originally a 4) I think that's pretty impressive! See for yourself :).

Pros: flat tummy, pain free (lower back), fabulous posture

Cons: Pain in the ass to put on and you have to readjust through out the day

Hi Bikini! It's so Nice to see you again!
Close up of my tummy. I don't look 6 months pregnant anymore

Flexing my abs! I wasn't able to do this a week ago!!!!

Side view of my tummy. Looking Good!

Hey, Look...I have a waist :)!

Relaxed tummy on my back
On my back in a partial sit-up position. No organs are exposed here. They are pushed back into place...See previous blog before I started the program. My organs were exposed, but NOT ANYMORE!

1 Finger Gap and NOT 4