Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sex and Diastasis Recti Sucks!

Sex and Diastasis Recti sucks. No, not the sex part. That is great! However, having to deal with my Diastasis does. Why? I have a faux hernia. It's near my sternum. I separated all the way up to my sternum. The bottom half of me is closed (1-2 finger gap). The area near my sternum is not closed. The fascia is weak and everything wants to poke through. It hurts. Especially, If I am in an awkward position with my hubby :). It acts like a hernia. When it surfaces, I have to massage it until it goes back in place. Do you see why it sucks? I had to tell my hubby to get off of me b/c I was herniating. YES YES YES (Just like When Harry Met Sally), then NO NO NO get off of me lol. Having DR sucks, but it can be quite entertaining at times...