Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Potty Training 101 Week 1

I have decided to potty train Mika a month before she turns 2 years old. I am sick and tired of smelling the Diaper Genie. So, I have decided to devote my time into potty training. I bought a standard potty chair with no bells and whistles. Then, I also bought "Elmo's Potty Time" DVD at Walmart. So, last Weds. I put the dvd on and Mika and I sat down together to watch ELMO :). Then I pulled out the potty out of the box so she can practice. On Thursday, the potty training began. Mika did awesome the first half of the morning! She went 4 times like it was no big deal. Plus she went #2 w/o any hesitations. It was amazing! I think she was amused with Mommy getting excited :D. Here is how the week started...

Weds. 8/26 Practice
Thus. 8/27 4x
Fri. 8/28 1x
Sat. 8/29 0x-We were out and about
Sun. 8/30 3x
Mon. 8/31 2x we were both sick with a cold
Tues. 9/01 1x still sick
Weds. 9/02 0x

Over all, I am actually pretty pleased with the results. Even, if she goes once a day...that means one less diaper I have to change. She generally goes through about 5-6 diapers a day. Since we have started potty training, we go through about 3-5 diapers. If I can go consistently 2-3 diapers a day, then I am going to approach it with just wearing panties. Then, she may not like being wet and has to use the potty. I am hoping she will be potty trained before we travel for the holidays. Oh, and before I decide to get pregnant in 6 months :).