Thursday, March 6, 2008

How should I start this?

How should I start this blog? For starters, this is my first blog. I don't blog b/c I think my writing sucks. Maybe, if I continue to write, it will get better? I guess the best part about blogging is that no one will judge me. I am turning 29 this year. In fact, my birthday is next week...woohoo. My high school reunion is coming up as well. Should I go? I am debating on this one. Even though I loved my high school, money is extremely tight b/c we just had a baby. I would rather get a group of people and hang out at Fridays or some place like that. That way, it will be a little more intimate and not about what I have I invented Post-It :). I do miss my friends and it would kick ass if I saw them again. After all, they were my relief from my parents. Plus, we have an awesome vacation coming up in July that I am excited about. That's if we pay off our bills after having Mika. I am keeping my fingers crossed this year. I guess the question is...go on vacation in July or reunion?


The Cochran Family said...

vacation in july :) I think you are a swell writter...anyway...just keep writting and soon you will have tons of people reading your blog and even if not, you will have an awesome journal...there are even comapnies that will turn your blog into a book like a use it to document Mika's baby stuff... :)

Amy Jane said...

yay! i'm glad you have a blog! post some pics of cutie pie mika!!!