Monday, March 8, 2010

Crock Pot Lemon Chicken

A few months ago, dh and I bought a crock pot...We've been putting it off, but we finally bought one. Since I stay home with our daughter, I don't always (don't feel like) have time to cook and chase around a cute toddler ;)...So, the crock pot is the answer. I love to throw crap in and watch it cook for hours. The best part is that our house smells good with whatever the hell I am cooking...My first attempt is the obvious Pot Roast. My second attempt is Crock Pot Lemon Chicken. I hosted a Moulin Rouge party for my moms group. Since Moulin Rouge is french, I had to come up with a french style dish. So, I found this... turned out freakinfantastic! However, the second time that I cooked it was just ok...It was great IMO, but DH thought I added too much lemon juice. My third attempt of making this delicious dish, I added too much Dijon Mustard...oops...So, note too self...follow the actual direction :)...enjoy the recipe for whoever reads my blog...Sorry no picture of my dish...