Friday, September 14, 2012

Road to Recovery: Week 6

It's been a while since I've posted anything about my recovery. Life gets in the way sometimes. My hubby travels a lot. So, it's me and the girls most of the time. I am busy, busy, busy. It's been 6 weeks since I have started the program. I have 12 more weeks to go :). It's not bad. I am loving the results! The only issue that I have is that the splint bunches up in the back. It's annoying as hell! I've emailed the company. They say that is normal. You have to readjust through out the day. So far, I have lost 5 1/2 inches around my waist. I almost have a 29 inch waist! Crazy, huh? I haven't lost any weight, if that is what you are thinking. So, as of right now, I have plateaued. My tummy is relatively smaller, but I don't think it will get much smaller than that. I understand what my G.S. was saying. Even if I had the tummy tuck, I will not have the wash board abs. I am not built that way. I am more than ok with that :). I am not giving up! My skin and muscles are coming together nicely. Still saggy, but it could be worse. The exercises are easy to do. Do I do every single one of them? Ummmm NO! What you see in my pictures are from doing half the exercises. I am warn out by the end of the day, so I don't always do them. I am also at the gym 3x a week. Nothing fancy, just the treadmill :). As you can see, I stay pretty active.

Flexing my Tummy

Straight back, flat tummy, and nice ass :)

Nice flat tummy!
Lying on my back. My hernia looks much better.
One finger gap!

Look, I have a body now :)!

Thanks again for being supportive and helping me through out my journey!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Road to Recovery Week 2!

I've been wearing my abdominal splint (Tupler Technique) for Two Weeks Now. The exercises are coming along. However, I find myself not doing as much as I would like. My girls keep me busy and drive me crazy half the time. When I do remember to do them, it's towards the end of the night. So, I end up doing most of them all at once. It's prob. not recommended, but I feel more of a burn when I do them that way. Even if I am only doing half of what is required, I am still seeing huge results. That's good, right? I just washed my splint for the first time. Don't worry, it's not gross. I don't sweat much and I am usually wearing a tank or Spanx type clothing. I washed mine on hand wash cycle with small amount of detergent. After it's done, it's still quite damp. You can either wait for it to completely which means 4+ hours w/o your splint. If you are going to do that, try to find some type of Spanxs to secure your abs. That seems to help in the mean time. Needless to say, I didn't want to wait. I put the splint in the dryer (it does say no dryer under care). I used the setting "air dry"until it was somewhat done. Then I put it in for 5 or so mins on low heat. So far so good! Anyway, enough of me rambling about boring sh@#. Here is what ya'll have been waiting for. In two weeks, I've lost 5 inches around and I am still at a 1 finger gap. If that, b/c it's pretty tight. So, maybe half of that. I've been told that a 1-2 finger gap is considered closed : ). Lets take a looksie, shall we?

Dressed with splint underneath. Side view. See how tall I am? Maybe I can say that I am 5'3 this time lol?

Another cute bikini shot with tummy relaxed. New Hair? Yes, cut, color, and highlights! Check out my waist. It's much smaller. Scroll down to see the results from last week.

I am still not going out in public, but I am willing to show all of you. Look, I have curves!

Side view. My muscles are moving back in place. There is a difference from last post. My tummy was slightly lower. Now, It's much higher : )!

Flexing my abs! My skin is looking tighter. Still flabby, but it's getting there.

Relaxed tummy on my back.

See? One finger gap! It's barely in there.

Flexed tummy on my back (partial sit-up). Where did my belly button go? It's hiding like a turtle lol. The last post, my belly button looked like a pigs nose. Kewl, huh?

Since the last two weeks...three weeks really since I have posted about Diastasis of the Recti muscles. I have had over 800 HITS! WOW! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! This truly means a lot to me. I hope I can help and guide those who want to do this or at least look into it. Feel free to follow and leave a comment or two.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Road to Recovery Week 1

Everyone, "I'm Bringing Sexy Back!" It's been one hell of a week. I've been wearing my abdominal splint non stop and I've seen wonderful improvements! The splint takes some time getting use to. The exercises are easy to do. It's all breathing and tightening your abs. I have to do this for two weeks and then start the next set of exercises. My hernia doesn't look like an angry uncircumcised penis anymore :). It's starting to look like an actual bellybutton. The splint is pretty comfortable to sleep in. I don't have any lower back pain or woken up to back pain since I started the Abdominal Rehab program. My weight hasn't change in case you are curious. However, I have lost 4 inches around my waist and I am down to a 1finger gap (originally a 4) I think that's pretty impressive! See for yourself :).

Pros: flat tummy, pain free (lower back), fabulous posture

Cons: Pain in the ass to put on and you have to readjust through out the day

Hi Bikini! It's so Nice to see you again!
Close up of my tummy. I don't look 6 months pregnant anymore

Flexing my abs! I wasn't able to do this a week ago!!!!

Side view of my tummy. Looking Good!

Hey, Look...I have a waist :)!

Relaxed tummy on my back
On my back in a partial sit-up position. No organs are exposed here. They are pushed back into place...See previous blog before I started the program. My organs were exposed, but NOT ANYMORE!

1 Finger Gap and NOT 4

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Road to recovery Day 1

Mommy tummy be GONE! I just purchased the Tupler Diastasis Rehab Splint. It came in the mail Friday afternoon. I opened it up and saw my belt and dvd. I put in on immediately (after I measured my belly). Holy shit, this sucker is tighhhhhht! It literally sucks you in. You have to watch a video on how to put it on. If you don't, chances are it is not on right. I watched the video like 3-4 times to make sure I am doing this right. It's a pain in the ass to put it on and your arms will hurt like hell in the morning. You are tugging, pushing, and pulling the belt while holding your gut in. Once it's on, you will immediately notice you are standing 10ft. tall. I am SERIOUS! I use to have good posture, but it went to shit after I had my girls. For once, I actually feel TALL. My tummy is flat and...AND....I CAN SEE MY FEEEEEET! I know you are questioning and one eyebrow is cocked upwards. Seriously, THIS IS A HUUUUUUGE improvement my friends....HUGGGGGE! Later that night, I popped in the DVD and followed the exercise routine. I have to do this for 2-3 weeks before I move on to the next. It's pretty easy to do. After I was done, I went to bed with the splint on. I thought it would be uncomfortable, but it's not. I woke up feeling great! No back aches! After I had breakfast, I decided to measure myself w/o the belt on...just to see if it's true that you can see results immediately. HOLY SHIT, I lost 2 1/2 inches! I was shocked! Not only that, my skin is looking tighter. My muscles and skin are finally coming together. I still have a ways to go, but This is a step in the right direction.

Sorry no pictures other than the one that you saw on FB. I will try to post more during my 12 week program.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Diastasis Recti=Mommy Tummy of DOOOM!

Everyone, My mommy tummy is coming out. I have two beautiful daughters. My pregnancies were awesome, but they came with a mommy tummy of DOOM. I have Diastasis Recti. Diastasis Recti is separation of the abdominal muscles. My muscles separated during my first pregnancy. I gained around 20 lbs. and started showing around 3 months pregnant. My pregnancy was awesome. However, I noticed my belly button popped out around 4 months. I thought that was odd, but didn't allow myself to worry. Later, I found out it was a hernia. Not uncommon for a petite person. My beautiful daughter was born and weighed 8lbs 2oz. Well, no wonder...She was huge! I lost most of the pregnancy weight, except the last 5lbs. It took me a few months to lose the weight, but I still looked pregnant. 6 months, 9 months, 12 months rolled around and people would come up to me and asked "How far along are you?" I had one come up to me a patted my tummy. I was shocked! I held my head up high and carried on. The only issue I had was something was bulging out when I would do anything related to sit-ups. I thought my gut was coming out of me. I saw a few doctors and they thought it might be a hernia. I was told at the time not to do anything about it unless it gets worse. So, I have to avoid sit-ups, coughing (hard), and weird sexual positions :). Otherwise, it bulges out and is VERY VERY Painful. Again, I carried on with life. A few years later, I was pregnant again! This pregnancy wasn't as easy. I had morning sickness like no other. Every time I hugged the porcelain god, I would hold my insides :/. It sucked, but I was afraid my insides were going to explode. Very scary! My beautiful daughter was born and weighed 7lbs. I lost the pregnancy weight right away due to breastfeeding. It only took me 6 weeks and I was back into my normal clothes. Just recently, I decided to see a general surgeon. He confirmed that I have Diastasis Recti. I spoke to the G.S. about what I was experiencing and he didn't think I could have a hernia near my diaphragm. I told him that it bulges out when I give my abs a workout, cough, sneeze, laugh, etc. So, he ordered a CT scan. The CT scan showed only an umbilical hernia. So, I must have separated all the way up? HOLY COW! The G.S. said most likely I was born with weak abdominal muscles. Over time, they weakened by improper exercises,throwing up, pregnancies, etc. He also commented that I have more than 2 finger gap. Most people have a 1-2 finger gap, which is completely normal. Anything more than that needs attention. I did a self check and I can stick 4 fingers in my stomach. That really sucks!!!

Here is what my Diastasis Recti looks like with clothes on.

Here is what my D.R. actually looks like.

Here is my tummy when I am lying on my back.

Checking for D.R...partial sit-up position. You can clearly see the separation and organs (?)

 D.R. check...You can see that I can easily fit 4 fingers.

Here is where I stand. A quick fix would be a tummy tuck. I love the idea of a tummy tuck. Perfect abs...Sigh! Sound inviting, but it also comes with painful recovery and scaring. I can't do any lifting for a few months. Plus, hubby can't take the time off to help. It seems that a tummy tuck is the answer, but nothing is 100% curable. Not only that, it is considered cosmetic. The G.S should be able to fix my hernia, but not D.R. The Plastic Surgeon performs cosmetic surgery. Since I have a hernia, the plastic surgeon may be able to kill two birds with one stone...right it off or tell insurance that I need the surgery. If my D.R. is not corrected, it causes major back pain. Most people with this issue have lower back pain. If I choose not to have a tummy tuck, my other option is pelvic floor exercises while wearing a binding belt for a few months. The exercises closes the gap and strengthens my abdominal muscles. That being said, I will have more support in my lower back. Unfortunately, it's a temporary fix. I can totally screw things up lifting wrong and re-open my gap....start all over. They don't tell you these things during pregnancy or postpartum. Moms usually start exercising when they are clear or recovered. Doing the wrong exercises CAN (or may not) result in Diastasis Rectis or abdominal separation. It all depends on the way your body is designed. If one has weak abdominal muscles (like me), this is what happens...Diastasis Recti...MOMMY TUMMY OF DOOMMMMM!!!

I hope I was able to inform and not scare you all. Please consult your doctor before you do anything. For more info., please check out the following links.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

DC Trip

So the girls and I headed to D.C. to see their daddy. He will be in D.C. for a few months. God, I hope we don't have to move there. It's nice to visit, but I do not want to live there. The drive their was awesome. I am so blessed that my girls travel well. Not a peep! Emi slept and Mika watched movies. Our first stop was PA. Absolutely beautiful. We stayed at the Marriott. I strolled in with the girls, stroller, pack and play, back pack, and babies...everything but the kitchen sink. The guy looked at me and immediately bumped me up with a suite and pointed me to the bar lol. The second day was great until we hit traffic and construction. Sucked ass! The first day we hit the Smithsonian natural science. The dinosaur museum rocked! We only had one major melt down. Miss M decided that she didn't want to use the potty. She was throwing absolute fit. She claimed that she needed to go but didn't. Then she wouldn't leave and started freaking out. So, I yelled which didn't help the situation. I told her she does not get to play with her babies. Then, shit hit the fan. She had a nose bleed! I am pretty sure everyone thought I beat my child. One lady helped us out. She calmed Mika down and cleaned her up. After we were done, I took away her babies. She flipped out again. Hubby talked to her and gave her babies back...after I told her no. He undermined me! F'n Dick! Once she had her babies back she started chanting "I've got my babies babies babies, I've got my babies"...F@&$! Pissed me off! Him and I got into it. He left, but came back. I asked him to apologize to me and he did. Our second day was much better. We went to the Smithsonian History Museum. It was awesome! Overall, we had a good time.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A simple Thank You would have been nice!

Ya know, I do something nice for someone and what do I get? A rude comment on FB. Really? Are you F'n kidding me? I took pictures of two awesome kids almost two years ago. I was just getting into photography and I needed a subject. I was excited to do this. Their family was excited to see them. I posted the picts. when I was done and they liked them. They were tagged, etc. Then recently, I deleted the original to re photoshop the pictures. I didn't like what I did then and decided to give it one more try. They turned out beautifully. I was super excited to share them. So, I re tagged them and posted them. Their mother didn't even thank me for the wonderful job that I did. Instead she left a rude comment on her FB wall. The kids father loved them and told me to post away. What a BITCH!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Guilt and Frustration

I feel guilty, frustrated, and relieved. Why? My hubby is out of town for three months and I have an awesome babysitter. Yes, I can take care of my beautiful girls, but I need a break. My stress level goes way down with help. My sassy girl and I butt heads a lot. She is going through this phase of not listening. Maybe it's because she is 4 years old. Maybe it's because she is bored. She does better when she has gone to preschool. On the days she doesn't have school, she acts out more. I try to give her as much attention as I can, but I have an outgoing 13 month old. Our house is taken over by toys and laundry is never finished. Although, my friends think our house is clean...Super Clean :)! I find it funny. I look around and question. It's not asian clean, but it's under control. I am not a Super Mom, nor do I plan to be. It's exhausting to think about it. Damn you PINTEREST and all your kids craftiness. I can't even do half of what is on my list. Again, I have a babysitter to help me be a better mom to my kids. I am still around in the house, but she is there to give my sassy girl more attention. Once hubby is back (not flying back and fourth), life will resume. Until then, this mama needs an extra hand.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Emi's 1st Birthday!

My precious pumpkin turned one Feb. 17. Seriously, where did the time go? Has it really been a year? She is walking now! She actually started with a few steps two weeks prior to her bday. Then, a week after her bday, she took off. Her world has to be amazing at eye level. She is always smiling, laughing, and kissing her mommy and daddy. She is pure joy! Love Love Love her!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mama Sad :(

Mama sad :(...I just got a reminder from my phone that Emi is 11 months old today. That means next month she will be 1 years old. I should be happy, but I am sad. She is our last. Hubby made it clear that he does not want any more kids. She is growing up so fast. She a very busy lil girl. Emi is fun to watch. Everything is fascinating to her as it should. Walking is around the corner. She is already standing and taking steps with her walker. NOOOOOOOOOO! Where did the time go? I bitch and moan b/c I am not getting any sleep. I should be enjoying every minute of her existence. I am this time around as a mother. I am still bf and love it. I wasn't able to with my first. So, this time I am able to. It feels really good knowing that I am providing nutrients. Plus, it's very relaxing. She will not be on top of my boob forever, but for now I will take advantage of the bond I have with her!