Everyone, My mommy tummy is coming out. I have two beautiful daughters. My pregnancies were awesome, but they came with a mommy tummy of DOOM. I have Diastasis Recti. Diastasis Recti is separation of the abdominal muscles. My muscles separated during my first pregnancy. I gained around 20 lbs. and started showing around 3 months pregnant. My pregnancy was awesome. However, I noticed my belly button popped out around 4 months. I thought that was odd, but didn't allow myself to worry. Later, I found out it was a hernia. Not uncommon for a petite person. My beautiful daughter was born and weighed 8lbs 2oz. Well, no wonder...She was huge! I lost most of the pregnancy weight, except the last 5lbs. It took me a few months to lose the weight, but I still looked pregnant. 6 months, 9 months, 12 months rolled around and people would come up to me and asked "How far along are you?" I had one come up to me a patted my tummy. I was shocked! I held my head up high and carried on. The only issue I had was something was bulging out when I would do anything related to sit-ups. I thought my gut was coming out of me. I saw a few doctors and they thought it might be a hernia. I was told at the time not to do anything about it unless it gets worse. So, I have to avoid sit-ups, coughing (hard), and weird sexual positions :). Otherwise, it bulges out and is VERY VERY Painful. Again, I carried on with life. A few years later, I was pregnant again! This pregnancy wasn't as easy. I had morning sickness like no other. Every time I hugged the porcelain god, I would hold my insides :/. It sucked, but I was afraid my insides were going to explode. Very scary! My beautiful daughter was born and weighed 7lbs. I lost the pregnancy weight right away due to breastfeeding. It only took me 6 weeks and I was back into my normal clothes. Just recently, I decided to see a general surgeon. He confirmed that I have Diastasis Recti. I spoke to the G.S. about what I was experiencing and he didn't think I could have a hernia near my diaphragm. I told him that it bulges out when I give my abs a workout, cough, sneeze, laugh, etc. So, he ordered a CT scan. The CT scan showed only an umbilical hernia. So, I must have separated all the way up? HOLY COW! The G.S. said most likely I was born with weak abdominal muscles. Over time, they weakened by improper exercises,throwing up, pregnancies, etc. He also commented that I have more than 2 finger gap. Most people have a 1-2 finger gap, which is completely normal. Anything more than that needs attention. I did a self check and I can stick 4 fingers in my stomach. That really sucks!!!
Here is what my Diastasis Recti looks like with clothes on.
Here is what my D.R. actually looks like.
Here is my tummy when I am lying on my back.
Checking for D.R...partial sit-up position. You can clearly see the separation and organs (?)
D.R. check...You can see that I can easily fit 4 fingers.
Here is where I stand. A quick fix would be a tummy tuck. I love the idea of a tummy tuck. Perfect abs...Sigh! Sound inviting, but it also comes with painful recovery and scaring. I can't do any lifting for a few months. Plus, hubby can't take the time off to help. It seems that a tummy tuck is the answer, but nothing is 100% curable. Not only that, it is considered cosmetic. The G.S should be able to fix my hernia, but not D.R. The Plastic Surgeon performs cosmetic surgery. Since I have a hernia, the plastic surgeon may be able to kill two birds with one stone...right it off or tell insurance that I need the surgery. If my D.R. is not corrected, it causes major back pain. Most people with this issue have lower back pain. If I choose not to have a tummy tuck, my other option is pelvic floor exercises while wearing a binding belt for a few months. The exercises closes the gap and strengthens my abdominal muscles. That being said, I will have more support in my lower back. Unfortunately, it's a temporary fix. I can totally screw things up lifting wrong and re-open my gap....start all over. They don't tell you these things during pregnancy or postpartum. Moms usually start exercising when they are clear or recovered. Doing the wrong exercises CAN (or may not) result in Diastasis Rectis or abdominal separation. It all depends on the way your body is designed. If one has weak abdominal muscles (like me), this is what happens...Diastasis Recti...MOMMY TUMMY OF DOOMMMMM!!!
I hope I was able to inform and not scare you all. Please consult your doctor before you do anything. For more info., please check out the following links.