Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mama Sad :(

Mama sad :(...I just got a reminder from my phone that Emi is 11 months old today. That means next month she will be 1 years old. I should be happy, but I am sad. She is our last. Hubby made it clear that he does not want any more kids. She is growing up so fast. She a very busy lil girl. Emi is fun to watch. Everything is fascinating to her as it should. Walking is around the corner. She is already standing and taking steps with her walker. NOOOOOOOOOO! Where did the time go? I bitch and moan b/c I am not getting any sleep. I should be enjoying every minute of her existence. I am this time around as a mother. I am still bf and love it. I wasn't able to with my first. So, this time I am able to. It feels really good knowing that I am providing nutrients. Plus, it's very relaxing. She will not be on top of my boob forever, but for now I will take advantage of the bond I have with her!