Friday, December 9, 2011

Skin Deep

Ok Ladies or the 5 people that read my blog...Wanna know the secret to great skin? Fruit, fruit, and more fruit. My beautiful baby girl still doesn't sleep well at night. No sleep=crappy skin!!! I looked horrible. I may look good after having a baby, but I didn't see it. I saw dark circles and red/blotchy skin. So, I decided to buy a blender with multi functions. I bought it because it had a puree function for baby food. Anyway, I didn't use it...too f'n tired. So, I decided to use it to make fruit smoothies. Amazing!!! The first three days, I saw huge improvements in my skin. Hubby did too. He thought my skin was glowing! He suffers from adult acne and his skin made a complete turn around. Awesome, awesome, awesome! The best fruit for my skin are strawberries, mangoes, and blueberries. You also loose weight too :)...I have slacked off lately due to the cold weather. But if I have to go somewhere at night and my skin looks like sh$%...All I have to do is drink a smoothie in the morning...The redness goes away and I don't have to apply a ton of make-up...Anyway, just thought I would throw this out there.

Friday, December 2, 2011

My growing Pumpkin, Emi Nicole!

My Birth Story...Emi Nicole

So, it's been awhile...9 months to be exact. This has been a crazy year. From finding out I was pregnant, a temp move to San Antonio, moved back to Indiana, and the birth of our beautiful baby girl. Emi Nicole was born Feb. 17, 2011. She weighed 7 lbs and 19 1/4 inches. We checked into the hospital the morning of 8:30 am. I got checked in, hooked up to monitors, and meds. This was by far the best experience ever at this hospital. Not only the hospital was beautiful, but the staff was awesome! The first couple of hours into labor, I was doing great. Towards the end, I started to have back labor. My epidural stopped working!!! WTF!!! Well crap, looks like I am going to have to deliver her the old fashion way lol...Shortly after 2pm, the nurse came in to check on me. I told her that my epidural isnt working and if they can up my dose. Well, that didn't work either. FML!!! She decided it was time to check me. She rolled me over and said "wow, you are crowning"! Do you remember how to push? Ofcourse I do, it's lake taking a big shit lol...No, I didn't say that, but I was thinking it. My doctor hottie wasn't there, but they called in the on call doctor. My contractions were kick in big time! The nurse told me to stop pushing...I told her that I can't...In fact, I wasn't pushing. My body was pushing her out! 5 mins later, Emi was born. Miss Emi said screw you, I am coming anyway :). She shot out of me like a canon ball! I saw the whole thing. It was pretty amazing! I had a full length mirror so I can see everything. Pretty awesome! It took the doctor more time to deliver my placenta. My placenta wasn't coming out and was pumping blood. He had to deliver my placenta in pieces. I saw that too. They took the mirror away, but I was able to see my reflection from the lights on the ceiling. They gave me 2 shots to get me to clot. I finally passed a huge blood clot vaginally. So, looks like no more babies for me. I bleed too much lol! After all of that, we have a beautiful baby girl! She is my world. I am definitely enjoying motherhood 2nd time around.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So, It's been a while...

So, it's been a while since I blogged. A lot has happend since September. We are no longer in San Antonio...Thank God! It was a night mare! Poor hubby had to deal with work and my emotions. I wasn't trying to hate him, just his job. Even though, he would never admit to this, but he was miserable...His job totally aged him. He wanted us to be there for him, but he was never mentally there for us. He was a zombie half the time. I felt bad for him, but glad to know I was right about that job (mini horray). One day he finally realized that it wasn't working out. So, he had to tell his supervisor in Houston. Lil sht head played the pregnancy card..."My wife is pregnant and she is not happy"...Thank God his supervisor understood. So, that same day, he gets a call from someone he use to work with in Austin, Tx. He pretty muched offered him a job with the option of working from home. It was a miracle...quit one job and offered the next. It's funny how things works out. Anyway, he went for the interview and got the job. We are back home in Indiana!